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Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Hubby got bit by a dog

A pit bull attacked Nick while he was working at a customers house [he works for At&t]. Next time you call the cable guy out, PUT YOUR DOG UP! It broke a bone in his hand so he is having to get it fixed.

He has to have surgery tomorrow at 3. I am dreading this. He is off work for at least 4 weeks.. more like 6-8. Most of it is paid. Workers comp is paying mostly everything right now and we are going to hire a lawyer.

Friday, December 4, 2009


After waiting for 5 1/2 months my Sister in law Kristen & her boyfriend Brandon got "reunited". He had been deployed to Iraq from June until October and then he was stationed in Hawaii for the past month and a half. Today was the day he got to come home.

Their lives are complete now..

 We went to the airport this morning and I took a few pictures.

I'm really tired so i think I'm gonna get the girls something to eat and then maybe lay down. I am soo so tired!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

MacKenzie is 11 months!

My youngest is 11 months old today. It makes me so so sad.

I don't know why but the first year always flies by so so so fast!

She is walking, has 2 teeth, plays patty cake, points, shakes her head no, says Mama- Dada- Bite- Pappaw- uh huh- bath- cat- ball. That is all I think. She may say more than that but that's all i can think of. At her checkup on the 13th she was 29 1/2 inches and 19 pounds, 9 ounces. [86th % for Height, 50th for weight]. She is into everything and has learned to climb on her sissies bed in the last month.

She loves "table" food but will still eat banana baby food. She is such a joy to be around.

She is such a doll baby and i love her so so much! I look forward to watching her grow, like i have with Mhorgan. They are so cute together and mean so much to me.



Wednesday, December 2, 2009