This past year has flown by so so fast. I can't believe my baby girl is already a year old. Someone PLEASE stop the time. I can't stand my kids growing up this fast. It makes me so sad!
She went From THIS:
sweeeet baby girl
To this..
She is walking everywhere, knocks on doors, puts her tongue above her top lip and makes goofy sounds, says a few words, plays patty cake, gives 5, likes to scribble, loves baby dolls, likes to stack blocks, go swimming, and play with balls. She is just a joy to be around.
She went from 8.3 to over 20 pounds.. and 20 1/2 inches to over 30 inches... Tiny feet to a size 4 shoe. She has grown so much and is such a sweet little girl. She may sleep horribly but i just love to look at her. She definitely made our life that much more full and she made my big baby girl Mhorgan a big sister and that means everything.
I look forward to spending the next 17 years with her, at least, and watching her grow and change. She is definitely a great mix between her daddy and me... and looks like her own little person. She is the light of my life and means so much to me.
Sweet baby, i love you. You will forever be my baby.