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Thursday, March 25, 2010

I met my friend Shelly at the mall earlier. We have known each other since we were 5. First day of K. Almost 20 years. I think its crazy that we still talk and In September when she has her wedding I am going to be in it. We rarely hang out and don't hardly talk but when we do its like we just pick up where we left off. Its a different kind of friendship and it is a real one. She's a sweet girl and i am so happy for her :). 



  1. It's great to hear from you Whit! Just wanted to say hi after reading your comment. :)

  2. I have an 85 1.8, 50 1.4, 35-70 2.8 (this was the one I did the reenactment photos with) and an 18-35 which isn't bad on a FF but I mostly use as a toy. lol.

    I am dying for the 135 2.0 DC. Dream dream dream lens. :)

    Thanks for the compliments and support Whit. Your pictures are looking great as well!! I can tell you've continued to learn. Great job! The girls are gorgeous and so big. Where does time go?
