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Monday, November 30, 2009


I have always loved to take pictures. I used to go to the store every few days and get me a one time use camera so that i'd have plenty of pictures.. and believe me, i have tons and tons of pictures in boxes and scrapbooks and picture albums from when i was growing up and a teenager.

If i had to chose one career it would be photography. I love capturing "the" moment. I love being able to look back and feel that emotion. I just love everything to do with photography. I love learning and i don't ever think that i will learn enough about Photography. It is something that you always continue to learn and grow in. At least that is my opinion.

With that being said.. I would love one day to start a photography business. I don't see it happening in the NEAR future but maybe sometime down the line. I am not a very "business" person and don't like that aspect of it but i do like the actual taking pictures, editing pictures, and learning process of it.

Here are a couple of my favorite pictures [of scenery] from the past few months.

It always bugs me when i hear Canon vs. Nikon wars. [Yes, i am going there]. I personally own a Nikon. BUT that doesn't mean that i don't think Canon is a great brand. That doesn't mean that they don't produce great cameras, great products, great lenses and that they aren't a great company. It just means that i have a Nikon. They are both great. If one was really that much better than the other one than the other would be out of business. That is the way i look at it anyways. Same goes with Sony, Olympus, Pentax, etc. They all produce good cameras. There should not be all this .. "my camera is better than yours because its a canon crap". It is stupid. I think it isn't just the camera that makes the picture. You can have just an ordinary point and shoot camera but if you know how to use it than you can produce great pictures. It is all about learning the camera that you have and about capturing the moment. Who cares about which brand of camera you are using while doing that.

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